Banks High School Alumni Foundation
About the Alumni Foundation
To provide scholarship assistance to Banks High School students as they pursue educational opportunities beyond high school.
The Foundation was created in 1988 by a group of Banks High School alumni. Because they attributed much of their success in life to their positive experiences at Banks High, they formed the Foundation as a way of giving back to the community that had helped them. They also wanted to assist in making future students’ dreams of continuing education come true.
The Banks Alumni Foundation is a registered, tax-exempt, non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. As such, all contributions to the Foundation are fully tax-deductible according to income tax and estate regulations.
The first Alumni Foundation Scholarship was awarded in 1988. Since then, through the generosity of donors, the Foundation has grown to the point where it annually awards 10-12 scholarships. Currently, over 245 scholarships, totaling over $669,000, have been awarded to BHS graduates.
You, too, can make a difference! The Foundation invites you to support its mission by making a donation. No amount is too small. Contributions can be mailed to: Banks Alumni Foundation, Attention Becky Mehringer, Treasurer, 19700 SW Neugebauer Rd., Hillsboro, Oregon 97123. Further information can be obtained by contacting Foundation President Mark Ward at [email protected], Foundation Treasurer Becky Mehringer at [email protected], or contacting any Board Member.
It is also possible to establish an ongoing scholarship in memory of a family member or friend. For information on how to do so, contact either the Foundation President or Treasurer. To date, the following legacy scholarships have been established: Larson, Rufener, Tolke, Pihl, Weber, Schlegel, Criswell and Stanton.

Board of Directors
Mark Ward ’85
Becky (Pihl) Mehringer ’77
Rae (Fowler) Weaver ’85
Ken Ackerman ’68
Ben Buchanan ’89
Bill Schlegel ’69
Cole Linehan ’04
Dan Herb ’02
Jeff “JD” Tolke ’81
Marilyn (VanderZanden) McGlasson ’63